
Rise of the Justice Democrats

Now that the 2020 election season is in the rearview mirror, the fragile truce between various factions within the Democratic Party appears to have reached its end. In fact, the dust had hardly even settled (you would be free to argue the dust is still swirling as of this writing, but that is a debate for another time) before progressive Representative/ Full-time Twitter Warrior Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was warning Democratic leadership to stack the Biden-Harris administration with progressive-minded activists or risk big losses in 2022 and beyond.

Justic Democrats pushing to block fiscal moderates from positions in Biden Administration.

There is a profound rift emerging in the Democratic Party that closely mirrors the rise of the Tea Party faction of the GOP. The ideological engine of the party has been seized by progressive-minded ideological purists under the Justice Democrat banner, yet the party leadership clearly favors a more moderate approach. This places the party in a catch-22 in which the DNC is forced to straddle the line between two disparate ideologies in national races. It’s hard to believe that Ilhan Omar and Joe Manchin exists within the same party, yet this is the position Democrats find themselves in.

There is no more Donald Trump to hold together these strange bedfellows. The cracks are there, Nancy Pelosi has already announced this is likely her last rodeo as Speaker of the House, likely a tacit acknowledgement of the rising power of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and The Squad. The Squad is actively testing the limits of their influence right now with several members actively circulating a petition to block undesirables from key positions in the nascent Biden Administration, namely the selection to head the Office of Management and Budget, Bruce Reed.

It is hard to imagine that Bruce Reed is the second coming of Ron Paul, as the progressive corners of Twitter seem to assert, but the nuances of Mr. Reed’s fiscal philosophy are almost irrelevant. The Ideology Inquisition is in motion.

So what happens next? It all depends on how the Georgia Senate run-off races play out. Should the GOP win out and maintain control of the Senate then the House Democrats are free to pass and endless stream of progressive moon-shots, knowing full well they have McConnell to play off as the bad guy. The real fireworks would be Democratic control of the Senate. Schumer and Pelosi would then be in the unenviable position of passing actual legislation, which of course runs the risk of having said legislation actually pass into law. This leads to a difficult tightrope to walk, Democratic leadership would be forced to craft a bill that manages to appease the Justice Democrat wing while also not forcing Democrats in moderate seats into politically untenable votes.

Long story short, losing the Senate puts off outright intra-party war by 2 years at most. Just as the Tea Party forced the GOP into a spiral of increasingly extreme conservative positions, the Justice Democrats are already moving to aggressively challenge Democrat incumbents in primary challenges. It is a race to the left, with America left stranded in the middle.


Interference Auto Pilot

November 3rd, 2020 has come and gone. The ballots were cast and counted. Joe Biden is the President Elect (as far as I can tell) and the predictions of massive electoral meddling perpetrated by foreign actors appears to have been avoided.

By all accounts the newly created Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency led by inaugural Director Chris Krebs managed to fend of all manner of nefarious attempts on the structural integrity of our 2020 election. The agency, created by President Trump to prevent foreign intrusions, prevented foreign intrusions. Now, unfortunately, Director Krebs made the mistake of confirming that the election was indeed secure and was summarily fired by President Trump. But has the manipulation truly been averted? Or has the manipulation simply been moved onshore, no longer outsourced? Made in U.S.A.

The actions of the Russian government in 2016 were not new, the actions themselves were old school. Obfuscate, confuse, mislead. Sow division and mistrust. Enlarge existing social fault lines. None of these actions are novel approaches to geopolitical meddling. This was just the leveraging of a new medium to bring these techniques into the 21st century on a grand scale, and we appear to have made adjustments to counter them. That is a positive development.

It appears, however, that the damage has been done. The spectacular use of social media to fan the flames of social discord in America succeeded in a spectacular way. Our political environment no exists in a purgatory of partisan propaganda. The gentle push from Putin’s troll farm has sent us into a cycle of increasing polarization, any given event is an opportunity for posturing. Social media, with it’s algorithms set to prioritize engagement over all else, feeds us content tailor made to outrage. We are being shuffled into silos of thought and seem all too happy to be with our team, lashing out at “the other.” Shooting snarky tweets off with no thought to actual debate, just to debase those we disagree with.

We have proven we can keep the enemy from breaching the gates, but can we stop ourselves from burning down the city?

Commentary Opinion

Spooky Season

It’s Halloween. Normally the streets would be crawling with ninjas, zombies, Fortnite characters, strollers, and caffeinated parents. But these are not normal times, the roads are empty for the most part, and death pervades the American psyche to a far greater degree than usual. Those that did take to the streets to seek some semblance of normalcy tonight likely did so on heightened alert for the sounds of sniffles and sneezes. Millions of individually wrapped Kit Kat’s, Starbursts, and other treats will be carefully wiped with disinfectant. Any cough that develops over the next 14 days will likely be cause for anxiety.

Yet even now, while we all await the crest of Covid-19’s second wave (or second leg of the first possibly), the endless avalanche of political ads remind us that life continues. The question is just how much life is left in our republic? Just how deeply has the infection of partisanship degraded our nation. There is legitimate concern that the increasing political tit-for-tat has entered a death spiral. It is very possible that the United States as we know it is already dead and shuffling towards crisis.

The perceived political stakes of every issue facing our nation has lead to a situation where both parties are more than comfortable removing any guardrails to outright majority rule. It has reached the point where they issue outright threats to push the envelope further once they assume the reins of power.

Sen. Mitch McConnell warns Senate Democrats will come to regret the removal of the 60 vote threshold on Presidential appointments.

In 2013, when Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid Went executed the so called “nuclear option” and removed the 60 vote threshold for Presidential appointments, Sen. Mitch McConnell warned of the downstream consequences of removing rules that forced bi-partisan action.

Now, is this to say that Harry Reid and the Senate Democrats are solely responsible for the current situation where Senate Republicans are forcing through Judicial appointments at historical rates on simple majority votes? No, clearly the system had degraded past the point of bi-partisanship at the time. Reid was forced into the option due to political stonewalling of any and all of Obama’s Judicial appointees. Yet it can’t be ignored that the floodgates were opened at that point for complete disregard of previously respected Senate rules. The move laid the groundwork for the appointment of three Supreme Court Justices under McConnell’s guidance. Yet we are nowhere near the endgame.

Obama advocates for the removal of the filibuster during his eulogy of Rep. John Lewis.

We have reached the point of no return. When former President Obama used his eulogy of Rep. John Lewis to press for the removal of the filibuster rule on legislation it was clear there was no appetite to restore the checks on simple majority rule. There is little doubt that within the next several years, perhaps as soon as the next year if Democrats gain control of both the Senate and Presidency, the passage of law in this nation will take place on a simple majority vote.

We stand on the precipice of increasing instability. A reality where the nation could potentially be ripped between two extreme political poles with every change of a simple majority. There will be no stabilizing effect maintained by the Senate.

Where does this leave the nation? It is nearly impossible to maintain any sort of societal cohesion when a plurality of voters will be able to force feed their legislative will on their rivals. It is nearly impossible to craft any sort of lasting legislation without bi-partisan buy in. Each law passed would be subject to immediate nullification following each election, this has dire implications downstream for business and financial markets.

We are left facing a complete degradation of social, political, and financial stability should we continue down this path.